Nick Grantham Integrating S&C into rehabilitation

Brian Østergaard Sørensen
06 oktober 2019

nick Granthampic

Lyt med når Nick og jeg taler fysioterapi, S&C og rehabilitering.

Nick er i professionelle kredse kendt for sit arbejde med flere Premier League klubber, verdensmesteren i mountainbike, olympiske atleter og workshop afholder for bla. Football Association, British Olympic Association, National Strength and Conditioning Association and the United Kingdom Strength and Conditioning Association samt workshops for fysioterapeuter.

I samarbejdet med patienterne kan det ofte betale sig at være godt funderet i og være klar over hvad andre professioner kan bidrage med for at opnå et godt forløb. Traditionelt set har fysioterapeuter arbejdet tværfagligt med privat praktiserende læger, speciallæger, sygeplejersker, socialrådgivere, ergoterapeuter og psykologer.  Jeg er af den overbevisning, at vi kan profitere meget af et tættere samarbejde med bla. S&C coaches som eksempelvis Nick Grantham og det vil vi prøve at kaste lidt lys over i podcasten.

For our english listeners, below is the content of this podcast.

Get on board with Nick and I as we try to explore and clarify how S & C can and should be integrated into rehabilitation.
How the two professions could assist and benefit from each other working with humans trying to get functional again or raise level of performance in both athletes and human beings. Despite that the latter of these just want to be able to go to work or cross the road without being hit by a car.
Is targeting alignment really good enough ? or should we expose further when preparing our patients and athletes.
Life beyond 3 x 10 – should we stick to it? pros and cons. (you´ll not be disappointed listening to this subject)
How do we maintain motivation and participation in the injured patient – finding solutions instead of limitations.
why we need to like people to be successful

Læs mere om Nick Grantham på hans hjemmeside

Som altid tak fordi i lyttede med.

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